(1) 能就所听到的语段进行问答和复述;
(2) 能就所看到的一般场景进行描述;
(3) 能就日常生活话题进行交谈并能在一般场合与英语国家人士交谈;
(4) 能做到正确表达思想,语音、语调自然,无重大语法错误,语言基本得体。
考试内容 考试方式 考试时间 准备时间 分数比例
1.“热身”对话(Warm-up Conversation) 两位考生相互问候、就指定的2-3个话题进行对话 约3分钟 无 35%
2.朗读对话(Reading Aloud a Dialogue) 两位考生交替进行 约1-2分钟 无 25%
3.角色扮演(Role Play) 两位考生根据各自所给的题目或要求进行对话 约3分钟 5分钟 40%
1. 命题应严格按照本大纲对学生口语技能的要求,不能随意提高或降低标准。
2. 命题应严格按照本大纲内容和题型要求设计题型,不得随意改变。
3. 每次考试要求出四份试题,要根据不同时间段和考生分组情况使用不同的试题。试题中适当采用教材中的材料,但分值一般不得超过总分的40%。
Part One Warm-up Conversation (35%)
You are required to introduce and greet each other, and then carry on a
conversation based on the two or three topics specified by the examiners. For
1) A: Good morning. I’m Li Xiahai. I’m from Shenzhen.
B: Good morning. My name’s Wang Dan. I’m from Guangzhou. Pleased to meet you.
A: Nice to meet you, too.
2) Will you please tell me something more about yourself?
3) How long have you been learning English? What do you think is the most
difficult thing
in the process of your English study? And why?
4) Do you often surf the Internet? What do you think are the advantages and
disadvantages of the Internet?
5) What’s the weather like in your hometown?
6) What kind of interest and hobby do you have?
7) What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Part Two Reading Aloud a Dialogue (25%)
You are required to read aloud a dialogue, with one playing Role A and the other
Role B. For example:
A: I’ve heard a lot about the improved standard of living of the Chinese people,
but I didn’t expect to see such great changes. Thirty-eight years ago I worked
in the village for a short time and the peasants had a very hard life then. The
land was barren and the people wore very tattered clothes. But yesterday, I saw
two-storeyed houses, bicycles, sewing machines, colorful and fashionable
clothing. I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
B: But you know the changes were not so great until only about three or four
years ago when the State began to adopt a new policy in the countryside. The
peasants are now encouraged to produce more and earn more through honest labour.
So more and more peasants have become very well-off and there’s a great demand
for all kinds of consumer goods.
A: Yes, I could see that. I saw many kinds of consumer goods in the village that
country folk didn’t even know about last time I was in China.
B: You mentioned bicycles and sewing machines. Those have become quite common in
the rural areas today. I’ve recently come across an article in a magazine which
reported on the changes in the peasants’ needs. Even I was surprised at the
kinds of things they want to buy today.
Part Three Role Play (40%)
You are required to make up a dialogue based on the following situation and
directions. You are given five minutes to prepare for it.
Student A
You are Mr./Mrs. Derek Trevor with Sydney International Trading Co. Ltd. You’re
going to attend the Guangzhou Trade Fair to be held in October. You’re going to
take this opportunity to meet with Mr. Li, General Manager of Guangzhou Import &
Export Corporation to talk over some important matters. You’re calling to make
an appointment. Make up a dialogue with Student B for about 2 minutes. The
following is your diary.
MondayOct. 9 TuesdayOct.10 WednesdayOct.11 ThursdayOct.12 FridayOct.13
Morning Recovering from Jet Lag Attending the opening ceremony of the Trade Fair
Visiting a township enterprise in Shunde Free from 9 to 11:30 Shopping
Afternoon Free Visiting Guangzhou Seeing some suppliers Out all afternoon
Leaving for Hong Kong
Student B
You are Mr. Li’s secretary, who is General Manager of Guangzhou Import & Export
Corporation. Mr. Li is wanted on the phone, but he is now on a business trip to
Hong Kong. You are answering the phone call to take a message for Mr. Li. Make
up a dialogue with Student A. The following is Mr. Li’s diary.
MondayOct. 9 TuesdayOct.10 WednesdayOct.11 ThursdayOct. 12 FridayOct.13
Morning Out all morning Free between 8:30 & 10:30 Attending the board meeting
Free from 9 to 11:30 Free
Afternoon Free Having a meeting Seeing some clients Out all afternoon Meeting
some American guests
2003年10月制定 |